Sunday, September 14, 2008

Tina Fey is Sarah Palin

Here's a link to the Daily Kos, where you can find the video for last night's opening of Saturday Nigh Live. Youtube will take it down soon, so I don't know how long it will work, but there is also a link at Daily Kos to a transcript of the scene. The sketch was absolutely hilarious, featuring Tina Fey as Sarah Palin and Amy Poehler as Hilary Clinton. The brilliance of it, was how it combined the hypocrasy of the media's and the right-wing's sudden concern for sexism, Clinton's desire for her to be president and not just any woman, Palin's "experience" and her beliefs in Creationism, Clinton's almost forced endorsement of Obama, Palin's pageantry past, the media's lack of a backbone in questioning Palin, the over-rehearsed and repeated lipstick joke, the idea that Palin understands foreign relations because Alaska is near Russia, and the ridiculous answers Palin gave in her interview with Charles Gibson, all into a five minute segment. I was laughing my ass off, as it was the funniest thing the show has done in years. The rest of the show pretty much stunk, as the boring, personalityless ogre-face hosted the show. Oy...get better hosts SNL.

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