Thursday, September 4, 2008

Oh My God! Like, There's Stuff on TV!

With not much currently going on in my life, I tend to watch the TV at night during the week. Yeah yeah, it's sad....I really should be involved in another crappy relationship, instead. Of course it's the summer and there hasn't been much on television worth grabbing my attention. Swingtown was fun, though it didn't reach its potential, the Olympics and the Democratic Convention were entertaining spectacles, and Mad Men and Generation Kill made Sunday a great night for television, but other than that it was....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! Last night there was actually stuff to watch with a new episode of Project Runway, which continued this season's greatness (Diane von Furstenberg, I love you) and the season premiere of America's Next Top Model. Yeah I know ANTM is by no means the height of culture, but I find it thoroughly entertaining. Currently for me it's all about the trannie, Isis, and the French girl Marjorie. Also, Tyra continues to be batshit insane, and it's what makes her completely necessary for TV.

Oh yeah, there was also the Republican National Convention, but I had no interest in it. Watching a bunch of Republicans giving speaches to each other is like being in the Twilight Zone. There is no sense of reality. With the Democrats, yes there is the obvious partisanship, but through it all you can still grasp a sense of the real world, something relatable. You watch the Republicans and you're like, "Where do you live? What country are you talking about? Did you all have a lobotamy?" It makes you want to bang your head against the wall.

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