Monday, September 1, 2008

Mad Men - Watch It!

Everyone should be watching this show, seriously. If you're not, you better start. And the show better win the Emmy Award for Best Drama Series later this month. If it loses to Lost, I'll sorta be fine with it, since I guess it did have a creative comeback of sorts. I have this sinking feeling, though, that it will lose to House, which is the highest rated series of those nominated and has never won before. Ugh. The academy might feel that awarding Emmys to Mad Men for its writing and directing are enough for it. If Mad Men doesn't win this year, then it'll never win for Best Drama Series, it's just too small of a show to gain traction later on, even if it's deserving.

P.S. I'm still mad at the academy for never nominating Battlestar Galactica for Drama Series or Lead Actress for Mary McDonnell. Damn you!!

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