Monday, January 26, 2009

Memo to Hollywood...

Give Sigourney Weaver more film rolls! Seriously! Over the weekend I watched the Lifetime television movie Prayers for Bobby, starring Dame Weaver, and it reminded me of the greatness of this actress. The movie was crap - it was unfocused, amateurish, melodramatic and laughingly bad in some moments, but Weaver did the best with what she had. In particular there was a moment where she meets her character's dead son's former gay lover and the camera lingers on her. In that brief moment, she expresses disgust, resentment, sadness and even catharsis, in one pained look without saying word. I wished the material had been better and allowed her to delve into those mixed emotions, rather than go the route of having her cry, yell at her husband, cry, forgive her husband, cry, get closure, and cry. Hollywood, please, I beg of you give her better roles. Streep isn't the only great older actress.

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