Thursday, January 29, 2009

Did I Miss Something?

So last night, I was all set for the return of Life on Mars, which had been off the air since November. The series left off with a nail biter, where Sam discovered an address hidden in his paperwork, he went to the sight and found a dilapidated cabin/shack. He then entered the cabin/shack, answered a ringing phone in the building, and a man on the other end, told him to go into the basement to find answers. Sam started to head into the basement and the episode ended there. I, of course, was expecting last night's episode to start off at that point. Nope. The episode had nothing to do with the previous. It was its own storyline. Huh? I looked it up online, and apparently they switched episodes. Last night was episode 9 and next week will be episode 8. I guess the network did this, in order to capture more viewers following Lost, and they didn't want to have an open storyline where new viewers couldn't follow. But here's the problem. Next week the episode will start off where the previous episode had ended, and new viewers will really be confused, unless they totally rework the epsiode and somehow tack the end of epsiode 7 to the beginning of episode 8. I don't know. I'm still waiting for closure!

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