Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Guild Nominations: Writers and Cinematographers

The Writers Guild and the American Society of Cinematographers announced their nominees today, with each group continuing the love-fests for Slumdog Millionaire, The Dark Knight and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. There were no real surprises with the ASC noms, but the Writers Guild shook things up within the Original Screenplay category. Rachel Getting Married, WALL-E, and Happy-Go-Lucky all failed to make an appearance. One could overlook the WALL-E snub, since it's an animated film with little dialogue, and the Happy-Go-Lucky snub, since its a British film and might not have qualified - I'm not exactly sure. There both probably safe for an Oscar nom, as Pixar has a good track record in the category, and I doubt the Academy would overlook a Mike Leigh film. The snub for Rachel Getting Married, however, indicates some trouble for the film's screenplay chances. Perhaps there is a growing support for The Wrestler, and that will take the fifth spot over Rachel. Although the Academy's writing branch does like dramadies, so maybe it still has a good shot, and WALL-E will be the film left off the final list. Who's to know; who's to know?

Adapted Screenplay:
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
The Dark Knight
Slumdog Millionaire

Original Screenplay:
Burn After Reading
Vicky Cristina Barcelona
The Visitor
The Wrestler

The Curious Case of Bejamin Button - Claudio Miranda
The Dark Knight - Wally Pfister
The Reader - Chris Menges and Roger Deakins
Revolutionary Road - Roger Deakins
Slumdog Millionaire - Anthony Dod Mantle

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