Friday, June 26, 2009

RIP Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson

How odd yesterday was, losing two pop culture icons within hours of each other. Farrah Fawcett's death had been expected, after suffering the last few years with cancer, but Michael Jackson's came as a complete shock. The two stars will surely be missed, having left an indelible mark on American pop culture over the last thirty years. In both cases I wasn't around for their rise to superstardom, having been born in 1982. My earliest memories of them take place after the two were well established. I would always watch the syndicated reruns of Charlie's Angels around the ages of four and five (god, I was so gay), and I remember thinking the music video for Michal Jackson's "Bad" was one of the greatest things ever. In retrospect the video is kind of hokey. After their passings, what I most wonder about is how will they be remember thirty years from now? Without a doubt, Michael's music will live on, but I wonder how his personal life will affect people's perspectives.

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