Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sunday Blessings - Craig Horner

Today's edition of Sunday Blessings is devoted to Australian actor Craig Horner, star of the syndicated, fantasy series Legend of the Seeker. Now, to be perfectly honest, I don't actually watch the program. When it premiered this past November, I did make an attempt to follow it, but after the first three episodes, I grew bored. The production was well done, and it had some lovely cinematography, fully utilizing the New Zealand landscapes, but I never got involved in the story or the characters, and a lot of it seemed derivative of past fantasy works. What specifically stood out for me, however, was the physical beauty of Craig Horner, and the show took full advantage of it. His character was introduced shirtless and sweaty, chopping wood, Horner's ripped body on full display. Seriously, what does the man have, one-percent body fat? When that scene aired I thought to myself, "I will watch this till the very end." That turned out not to be true, but the series continues to play up Horner's sex appeal. Anytime I catch a brief glimpse of the show, as I flip through the channels, he seems to be in some state of undress, and a good deal of the promo material features Horner shirtless. Even though I might not like the program, I have to at least give it credit for acknowledging its gay fanbase. So kudos to the producers, and Amen for Craig Horner!

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