Friday, September 18, 2009

Do Not Make Tim Gunn Angry

Anyone who watched last night's episode of Project Runway, witnessed former drug addict Johnny get the cold shoulder from Tim, after being kicked off the show. Tim showed little sympathy for the man, not doling out his usual goodbye hug, nor did he even look at Johnny when he told him to back his knife and go. Tim was of course mad at the "designer" for the ridiculous lie told on the runway, about Johnny having to quickly redesign a dress after his first was destroyed by a steamer. The truth was Tim criticized his first dress, which was ugly, though I thought the oragami birds was an interesting idea, so Johnny crunched it up and threw it into the garbage. While lying to the judges was wrong, it was also completely unnecessary for the situation. Johnny destroyed the first dress because Tim Gunn told him it was bad. That is a completely justifiable reason to make a new garment. There was no reason to create an elaborate lie, especially considering Tim Gunn and the other contestants knew what had happened. I mean really. He probably would have had a decent chance at staying, if he hadn't doomed himself by lying. But hey, lying is what crack-whores do.

Since I'm writing about reality television, i always want to mention the booting of the adorable Mattin from Top Chef this week. Though his dismissal was understandable - why would you serve raw fish at a rach cook out - I'm still going to miss the adorable Frenchie. Anyway, at this point isn't kind of obvious who will be the final five contestants - Jen C, the Voltaggio brothers, Kevin and Mike I. Although I could see the show have someone unexpected (Ashley?) remain until the final four or five.

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