Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Tech Bake-Offs: Best Makeup Category

The makeup category has been wittled down to seven films, and the only surprises within the bunch are the inclusion of The Wrestler and the exclusion of Prince Caspian, especially considering the first Narnia film won the prize. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button made the cut, which wasn't necessarily expected, as the makeup branch has weird and inconsistent rules about when CGI is used in conjunction with makeup. The Hours had previously been disqualified for using CGI, but then Star Wars: Return of the Sith qualified and got a nomination, so you never really know. However, since it did qualify, you can bet Benjamin Button will get the nomination and probably win. As for the other two nominations, I can see them going to any of the other films, except for The Wrestler, which I think falls into the same predicament Monster was in, where everyone ignores the makeup work and attributes it to the actor's performance. At least there's no travesties when it comes to this list, like in past years when Norbit and Click received nominations, but still the makeup branch refuses to go outside their comfort zone. It's all about prosthetics, and fat suits and aging effects. There's no recognition of period work or glamour, and let's not forget the makeup award also honors a film's hairstylist, but the branch always seems to forget this. I'm still insensed over the snub of Marie Antoinette two years ago, and its brilliant hair and wig styling. Hmph.

The Qualifiers:
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
The Dark Knight
Hellboy II: The Golden Army
The Reader
Synecdoche, New York
Tropic Thunder
The Wrestler

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