Out Magazine's current issue features their 14th annual Out 100 List, essentiallly a listing of 100 gay or gay-friendly personalities in pop culture, the arts, and politics who helped shape the year. Now I got a problem with the cover. It features out director Gus Van Sant, out stage actor and hottie Cheyenne Jackson, out singer Sam Sparro, and... Kate Perry? Why is Kate Perry on the cover? Sure she sung a hit song about kissing another girl, but she's not gay. The song isn't even gay! It's a flirtatious, quasi-bi-curious, but not really, song in which the girl still worries what her boyfriend thinks. I mean come on! They couldn't get a lesbian to appear on the cover? How about Portia de Rossi or Ellen DeGeneres, who just got married to each other this past year, or how about Rachel Maddow, who's new talk/news show on MSNBC became an instant hit when it debuted? Maddow would have looked just as dapper in a suit as Gus, Cheyenne and Sam do. She would have fit right in. Come on! Anyway here's pics of two of those featured in the list, cover-stud Cheyenne Jackson and tv/stage actor John Barrowman, since you know they're both hot.

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