Thursday, April 30, 2009

Damn Eloise! That's Just COLD.

Last night was the 100th episode of Lost. Overall it was a good episode, if not great, but it would probably come off better on a second viewing. I still wish the series would take a breather - too much plot, too much exposition. It ultimately concluded with the killing of Daniel Faraday at the hands of his own mother, Eloise Hawking - well, his mother thirty years in the past. His death was a punch in the gut, as you realize his mother knows all along that she kills him in the past, but spends her life trying to ensure her son goes back in time. What exactly are her motivations, and does anyone on this show not have serious parental issues? The start of the episode led you to believe Desmond might be the one killed off, but luckily it wasn' the case. Desmond's demise would have irritated me, since he's been out of the picture for a while now. Daniel's on the other hand, I don't mind. I was never a big fan of the character, and he's played out his part in the big scheme of things, so we can move on. Hopefully in the final three episodes of the season, we'll be seeing more of Desmond and Sun, cause I've been seriously missing them.

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