Sunday, October 5, 2008

Sunday Blessings - Robert Downey Jr.

For today's installment of Sunday Blessings, I decided to devote the post to actor Robert Downey Jr. I opened this post with a picture of his backside rather than a facial, but it's a cute backside so it was worth taking notice. The DVD of Iron Man came out last week, which means I finally got around to seeing it. While the movie was in theatres, I kept saying to myself, "I'll see it next week," but then next thing you know it's two months later and the movie isn't in theatres anymore. Overall the movie was alright; not as great as everyone had made it out to be. It was nice to see Gwyneth Paltrow in a fun, light role, after having gone through her depressed film characters period of The Royal Tenenbaums, Sylvia, and Proof. She's so good at the light comedy, after all it's what made her famous in Emma and Shakespeare in Love. Anyway, going back to RDJ, he was completely entertaining and believable as Tony Stark. He commanded that role - the sarcasm, the arrogance, the bravado, and it was interesting seeing him in the lead of a big budget blockbuster. It was kind of like when Johnny Depp did Pirates of the Caribbean. I always liked RDJ, first taking notice of him in Hearts and Souls and Home for the Holidays, a film I love despite its flaws and watch every Thanksgiving. He was completely adorable in his films and TV appearances. After going through the drug problems, and rehab, and more drug problems, and then more rehab, he started making a comeback the last couple of years in smaller films like Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang, and Good Night and Good Luck. It's nice to see him given the opportunity to play the lead in a action picture - a great casting decision by the director and producers. Now can we talk about the body? The man is damn fine in the movie, all buffed out, and I even think the cheesy mustache and goatee are hot on him. In recent publicity photos RDj's been looking really good, as well, with a scruffy beard and short cropped salt-and-pepper hair, which totally works for him. So there it is. He was adorable in the 90s and completely hot now. Let's thanks Jesus for a man that has aged quite nicely. Praise Jesus.

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